Quality education for our children is a necessity
I came across the article "Motshekga, deputy and top official at odds over reopening date for schools" written by Prega Govender from Sunday Times.
Link to the article: https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/news/2020-05-03-motshekga-deputy-and-top-official-at-odds-over-reopening-date-for-schools/
Link to the article: https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/news/2020-05-03-motshekga-deputy-and-top-official-at-odds-over-reopening-date-for-schools/
About the Article:
It cites conflicting messages from the top structure of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) that has left South Africa confused. It stated that the department had underscored many hurdles that schools need to overcome before they can reopen. The department has the month of May to address issues like supplying masks, sanitizers, and running water to schools, further ensuring that safety protocols like social distancing, dealing with teachers who have comorbidity, and providing extra classrooms will add to the challenges.
Some thoughts:
When I read this article my first thought was: What is the rush?
Like really what is the rush? I mean the African National Congress (ANC) administration has had more than 25 years to provide basic services to schools and communities but has not. To date, there are 3500 schools with critical water supply. 962 schools have been vandalized since the lock-down began. And the DBE plans to rectify and achieve all of this in less than 30 days? Is this realistic and practical?
Back to my question, what is the rush? According to experts, South Africa has not yet reached the pick of the curve (pandemic). May 1, the South African government announces a new phase of COVID-19, level 4. Level 4 means that some activity can be allowed to resume, subject to extreme precautions required to limit community transmission and outbreaks. Just a day after going to level 4, South Africa reported more than 400 confirmed cases. Again what is the rush?
Why are we rushing to throw our children to the wolves? It is not safe for adults to go out there but it is safe for children! Why are we rushing to send them back to school? To save the 2020 academic year? The reality is that we have lost so much time that we cannot recover. Yes, I said it. We cannot and will not be able to recover the time lost. What we as society and government need to do is readjust our factory settings and re-adapt. This means that the academic year may no longer be January to December as we know it but may be July to June. And that is okay.
Sending our children back to school 1 June 2020, thinking they will catch-up is naive, irresponsible and will not do justice to the quality education that our children deserve. When children (and adults) fail or face adversities we say to them, do not despair. We say "everything in good time". Right??? Well now is not a good time to send children to school.
My message:
I advocate for quality education and safety for our children (my daughter). The government (and society) needs to unlearn what they have always known and re-adapt to the new reality. Delaying the reopening of schools and extending the 2020 academic year into 2021 is the most responsible thing to do for our children.
Beyond that, by keeping our children at home as long as necessary, as parents and guardians we will be demonstrating a practical example to our children (our future leaders) that: When unexpected events that are beyond control disrupt your normal way of doing things - unlearn and re-adapt gracefully.
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