Giving up is so easy

Finding reasons not to do a set task or goal is much easier than doing it.

I wanted to give up on this blog. I am new to this blogging thing. I am not sure if anyone is reading it or if it is having the impact I had hoped it would - that is to spark debates, conversations, inspire and heal. Well no one is commenting or liking... It is not marketed well... So this blog must be useless... Everyone else is doing much cooler things on their blogs...

I also wanted to give up on the fitness challenge that I recently joined. I wanted to give up 2 days after I joined the challenge... Why? The pain was too much. Every limb in my body was screaming pain. I convinced myself that nope, I'm good. 

But having friends that you share the same goals and aspirations as you is very important because they are your voice of reason. I spoke to a friend of mine who reminded me that at the beginning my body will be in pain but it will adjust.... Right there and then, I reminded my self that discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it. Thank you MaNkosi.  

Finding excuses is much easier than doing the work... It is also becoming very clear to me that when you set your goals - hang around people that will help/motivate you achieve them, and read content that will fuel your drive and direct you towards your goal. Just today I read an article that looked at - 8 Timeless Skills to Learn Now Under 8 Hours to Change your Life Forever.
It highlighted the following skills, in no particular order, with the exception of the first one:
  • Learning to learn
  • Writing
  • Public Speak
  • Meditation
  • Forming good habits
  • Negotiation
  • Mathematical Thinking
  • Coordination and flexibility.
The elaboration on the Writing Skill really spoke to me because it says that you learn better when people can actually see your work. It forces you to dig deeper and do your very best. It gives you accountability. The writer in this article further advised the readers to create a blog and publish regularly and consistently. People don't have to read it. Through this article I learned that writing helps you define your voice. It helps you get clarity on who you are and who you want to become. Your story is your story alone. You learn to become a better storyteller, which is a crucial skill in your professional and personal space.

Right there and then, I decided that I am keeping my blog. I should not project my objectives on others. They are mines and mines alone to achieve. Giving up is so easy when your goals are not aligned with courage.


  1. Thank you friend, I gave up on a few things this year and blamed the virus...not a good enough excuse but it worked. Let's try again on our goals :)

    1. When we give up on our goals, we only let ourselves down and delay our progress. No, lets not try again.... Lets do it!!! :)


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