A Queen is Multifaceted

I will teach my daughter how to:
  • cook, clean, bake, take care of herself and others, 
  • be responsible,
  • be tender and kind,
  • have manners, and
  • put on make-up if and when she wants to.
I will teach all this not because she is a girl or being trained to be a good wife (in future). But I am teaching her because these are important skills to have. I am teaching her because I will not be around forever so when that time comes she needs to be able to hold her head up high and say "Mom taught me better, I got this".

I will also teach her how to:
  • change a light bulb,
  • paint, wash those windows,
  • voice her opinion firmly but respectfully, and 
  • fist fight to defend herself when necessary.
I will teach her all of this not because I want her to think that she is better than men/boys but, because she is just as important, competent and capable. More importantly, for her to be a more multifaceted individual.


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