Surviving 2021 to 2022 is also an achievement

 You are reading this post because you made it to 2021. Thank you Lord…

Let’s reconfigure our factory settings…

We live in unprecedented times… 10 months since the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

Death and loss of our loved ones has become a daily event. Uncertainty has become so certain… But you made it.

Our vision boards will look a bit different this year. We may not achieve all our set goals but remember this “Surviving 2021 to 2022 is also an achievement”.

As we reconfigure our factory settings, here’s some food for thought:

Don’t let anyone invalidate or minimize how you feel. If you feel something, you feel it, and it’s real to you. Nothing anyone says has the power to invalidate that, ever. No one else lives in your body. No one else sees life through your eyes. No one else has lived through your experiences. And so, no one else has the right to dictate or judge how you feel. Your feelings are important, and you deserve to be heard. They are inherently valid, and they matter. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise.

Don’t let this world make you bitter. Don’t let the actions of other people turn you cold on the inside. Certain things happen that hurt us, people we love/care for will leave us, and most of all, there are moments when you’re bound to fall. Don’t let those things make you unkind. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be sad. But it’s never okay to do other people wrong just because you were done wrong. We’re human. We break. We make mistakes. But don’t let pain and sadness run your lives. Wake up in the morning and do what you think is right. There are moments in your life where you feel like giving up, and you can’t take it anymore. It’s okay. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. I know you are weak. But the things that show your weak side are also the same ones that make you stronger in the long run. It’s all about taking whatever life throws at you and learning from it.

As we plan the year, do share ideas on how we can engage more and what you would like to see on this page… Possible features, polls, dialogue sessions… this platform is yours to interrogate and discuss issues that affect us.


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