
Showing posts from July, 2020

Giving up is so easy

Finding reasons not to do a set task or goal is much easier than doing it. I wanted to give up on this blog. I am new to this blogging thing. I am not sure if anyone is reading it or if it is having the impact I had hoped it would - that is to spark debates, conversations, inspire and heal. Well no one is commenting or liking... It is not marketed well... So this blog must be useless... Everyone else is doing much cooler things on their blogs... I also wanted to give up on the fitness challenge that I recently joined. I wanted to give up 2 days after I joined the challenge... Why? The pain was too much. Every limb in my body was screaming pain. I convinced myself that nope, I'm good.  But having friends that you share the same goals and aspirations as you is very important because they are your voice of reason. I spoke to a friend of mine who reminded me that at the beginning my body will be in pain but it will adjust.... Right there and then, I reminded my self that discipline is ...

Your Mental Health Matters

It is so important to make sure that you take good care of your body, mind and soul everyday, not just when you get sick. Most of us are always busy, have stressful jobs, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Therefore, "Me-Time" is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we sometimes feel guilty about taking time to take care of ourselves. So here is what you can do to boost your well-being: Make sleep part of your self-care routine. Exercise daily as part of your self-care routine. Eat right for self-care. Meditate. If it feels wrong, do't do it. Say exactly what you mean. Furthermore..... Don't be a people pleaser. Trust your instincts. Never speak bad about your self. Never give up on your dreams. Don't be afraid to say no. Don't be afraid to say yes. Be kind to yourself. Let go of what you can't control. Stay away from drama and negativity. Love.... Your mental health comes first. Protect it.

Your Elevation Requires Isolation

The hero does not become great during the period of comfort. The illustrious and noble souls of our world became strong, brave and moral whilst standing resolutely in the storms of adversity, difficulty and doubt. It is in the moment that you face your deepest weakness that you receive the chance to forge your greatest strengths. Real power, then comes not from a life of ease but one of intense effort, devoted discipline and demanding action in the direction of what your supreme self knows to be right. To continue at a time when all you want to do is stop.  To push even harder when quitting looks easier and sexy.  To be stubborn about your goals when you feel like giving up - is to ultimately claim your membership among the great warriors and honorable characters who through their determination reached the top of the mountain. Whatever storm you may be facing, do not stop!!!