
Showing posts from April, 2020

Journey to self

I remember a speech I delivered to my fellow grade 12 classmates. It was in isiZulu. Oh boy was I passionate and feisty back then!!! We were given a range of topics to choose from and I chose to discuss the women’s role in society as well as those of men. Well my classmates were not surprised that I chose this topic because of my personality. And I delivered, made my point and got a standing ovation. More about the speech: It argued that women are just as capable as men. Women can do hard labour, be engineers and politicians. Like men can cook, take care of the children and do house chores. At the time my frustration was on how at a very tender age society mould girls to be good wives, to be obedient and learn to follow instructions. Yet boys are encouraged to have fun, explore more and  experiment.  They are hardly (if ever) taught how to be a good and responsible husband or held accountable for their actions. This speech went on to challenge the boys in my class to...

Change your circumstances by changing your attitude

Each of us has a way of looking at the world, of interpreting events and the actions of people around us. This is our attitude, and it determines much of what happens to us in life. If our attitude is essentially fearful, we see the negative in every circumstance. We stop ourselves from taking chances. We blame others for mistakes and fail to learn from them. If we feel hostile or suspicious, we make others feel such emotions in our presence. We sabotage our career and relationships by unconsciously creating the circumstances we fear the most. The human attitude, however, is malleable. By making our attitude more positive, open, and tolerant of other people, we can spark a different dynamic – we can learn from adversity, create opportunities out of nothing, and draw people to us. We must explore the limits of our willpower and how far it can take us. Inspired by Robert Greene - The Laws of Human Nature

The world as we know it has changed

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. COVID-19 has changed our reality. People are infected and affected. The world we know and grew up to is changing and there’s nothing we can do about it but adapt. Some professions will become redundant. Question is how are you adapting to the current context? COVID-19 has shined light to the fact that we are socially dependent beings and majority of us live from hand to mouth. Question remains, how are you adapting? How do you view this downtime? As a mini holiday, an opportunity to binge on Netflix or catching up on social media? Then I must diagnose you: You are a lost soul!!! My advice to you is CHANGE and ADAPT. Change your attitude, outlook on and approach...